About the case: According to the investigation, members of the sabotage and assault group “Bears” participated in military actions in the the Donetsk People’s Republic. Each of them is accused of violent seizure of power, participation in an illegal armed formation and training for terrorist activities.
The case is being considered by the three-judge panel, presided by Gurgen Serzhikovich Dovlatbekyan of the Southern Military District Court.
The hearing began 20 minutes late. The reasons for the delay were not given.
The judge stated that the composition of the court had changed, but what had changed was not explained.
The judge informed the parties about the right of objection and asked them if there were any objections – the parties answered in the negative. The judge then reads the rights of the defendants and asks for their background information. The judge reads the main reason for postponing the trial – incomplete composition of the defendants. The judge gives the floor to the prosecutor to give more details. The prosecutor reads the case materials, in which the reason is stated as “due to organizational problems with the investigation in the Donetsk People’s Republic”.
The judge asked the defense whether it was possible to continue with the incomplete composition of the defendants. The defense replied – “impossible”.
One of the defendants asked the judge:
– How long will the postponement of the trial continue, and what if the other defendants have already been exchanged?
The judge replied:
– Do you have confirmation of this information? Would you be able to provide it?
– I cannot prove it in any way because I am in prison.
The judge plans to schedule the next hearing, one of the attorneys asks for later on September 18.
The judge asks the prosecutor:
– How much time do you need to clarify the defendants’ whereabouts?
The prosecutor replies:
– No more than two weeks.
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